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Sales Book Review – Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell by Mike Adams

Early on in my sales career I noticed that clients remembered the stories I shared far better than the compelling statistics I would offer. A compelling stat? Good for a week or sometimes even a month. Compelling story illustrating the same point? Good for years. This is why I was so excited to read Mike Adams‘ book Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell. Mike Adams has delivered a work that not only explains the science behind why storytelling is so effective but also provides an efficient framework for how and when to create and deliver these stories for maximum effect in sales.

Storytelling In Sales

Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell by Mike Adams

Seven Stories uses a fishing paradigm to explain things and keep them memorable. It is broken down into four parts:

  1. LURE – Story Fundamentals
  2. HOOK – Making a Connection
  3. FIGHT – Winning Mindshare
  4. LAND – Landing the Deal

The Essence of Humanity

Storytelling is at the very essence of how we communicate, and for very good reason – stories are the most memorable and effective means of communication. In part one of Seven Stories we learn why story is essential to human communication and the fundamentals of storytelling. We discover why we use stories and exactly how to create stories (complete with checklists) that will deliver their point and be remembered.

The Human to Human Connection

The first and most critical issue facing sales professionals is how to start a meaningful connection with a customer. In this crucial area Mike Adams explains why personal story sharing is the best way to establish rapport and trust. He gives excellent criteria and a framework for what makes compelling, rapport-creating stories and then goes on to apply that to both your personal an company stories. We are taught how to record, refine and reflect on these in a way that will maximize their impact.

Selling With Insight

Insights and the successes of other clients represent two very important components to stories that stick and deliver value. In addition to delivering value these stories also position and differentiate us. I found part three of Seven Stories (Winning Mindshare) very valuable. Adams offers practical advice on how to answer “Why you?” and “Why your company?” in the context of storytelling. Here we learn what makes a perfect story, how to position yourself as the only option and how to conduct the research you’ll need to craft these crucial stories. The approach is very practical and come complete with examples and checklists.

Close With a Story

Mike Adams – Author of Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell

The final section of Seven Stories describes how to use stories to advance and close your sales. Because much of the decision-making in sales happens when we (the salesperson) is not present I found Mike Adams’ strategies on how to use stories to influence the customer decision process even when we’re not present very valuable. In this final section we learn how to use stories to influence committee decision makers we may not even have access to. As always, it is complete with examples and a checklist.


Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell is exactly my kind of book. It is a practical, actionable approach to taking what is typically considered an art and turns it into a science. Anyone, regardless of whether or not they have the “gift” of storytelling can craft highly impactful stories that will elevate their sales game and make every interaction impactful, valuable and memorable. Every salesperson and every company can benefit from the wisdom in Seven Stories and I recommend it highly.

You can find Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell by Mike Adams on AMAZON.


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Until next time!


Get the #1 book on closing sales now at Amazon.

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